Achieving excellent results with NobeIGuide™ And NobelProcera™
Dr Annette Felderhoff/Dr Andrea schnur, DDS
Dental X GmbH & Co. KG, Mun1ch1 Germany
Treating a patient is teamwork. Several players have to collaborate. |
Case diagnostics and treatment planning
starting with conventional clinical and
prosthetic diagnostic procedures, resulting
in a wax up. |
As a result of the diagnostic procedures,
clinically evaluated wax-ups are transformed into a radiographic guide for each jaw. Digitization folaows the double scan
technique. |
Through NobelGuide planning NobelSpeedy
implants are virtually placed - upper jaw:
implants on the right, 3 on the left side.
A need for sinus floor augmentation
is identified on both sides, lower jaw:
implants each at both sites. The plan
is transferred to a ready to use surgical
template. |
Upper left side: minimal invasive access
through tissue punch, Guided mplant
site preparation (surgical template). Bone
condensation with dedicated tooling
(osteotomes, internal sinus floor elevation).
Guided lmplant insemion, healing abutments. |
Upper right side: external access for external sinus floor evation. Flap elevation through guided surgery predictable
and stable insertion of implants even in the measured bone quality 3 and 4. Cover screws, bone grafting and sealing
with a resorbable mewbrane, submerged
healing, tight suturing. |
OPG after conventional healig time
of 4 months. Second stage surgery upper
right implants impression taking and
fabrication of master wodels. |
Wax up in the articulator for NobelProcera
(Following initial waxup). |
All considerations taken during the
NobelGuide planning facilitate the design of
the NobelProcera framework design.
Try in of final NobelProcera zirconia
framework. |
Final veneered single crowns, screw
retained in the patient's mouth. |